14-2-2025: Currently taking a break. The store will re-open on 22nd February 2025. Cheers, Phil.
Chips for 1541 Disk Drives
Click on the product thumbnail for an enlarged view.
GandALF - Drive logic replacement module
- A drop-in replacement module for the 325572-01 drive logic IC
- Made by Eslapion, creator of the PLAnkton.
- Genuine, original 6522 chip as used in the VIC20 and 1541 series disk drives for IO functions
- Tested with Commodore Diagnostics: Passed all tests.
- Removed from socket, has not been soldered.
W65C22N - Replacement for MOS 6522 VIA
- Brand new chip - replaces the 6522 used in the VIC20 and 1541 and 1571 disk drives
- Low power, runs cool.