Spare Keys for VIC20

Most VIC20s have the same key caps as the breadbin C64 (either "Type 1" or "Type 2") but there are some different styles which are also listed below. Please read the details to avoid disappointment.


Click on the product thumbnail for an enlarged view.

Breadbin and C64C Keyboard - Spring

"Type 1" Spring for Commodore C64 breadbin, C64C (and some VIC20) keyboards

  • Suitable for all the keys (except the spacer bar) of the breadbin Type1 keyboard (3 or 5mm plunger) and C64C
  • Fractionally longer than an original Type3 spring but these can be used in those keyboards too.
  • Also fine for the C16 and some VIC20s
  • Good condition
Price: £ 0.30   Add to cart. (19 in stock)
Breadbin C64 - Plunger and Spring - Type 1 with 3mm tip

"Type 1" Plunger & Spring for C64(C), C16 (and some VIC20) keyboards ~3mm tip

These plungers have a shorter (approx 3mm) tip as usually found on the C64C (white) keyboard, but also on some breadins, the Commodore C16 and some VIC20s. Key caps designed for both types fit well.

  • From a standard metal spring Type 1 C64 keyboard.
  • Clean and in good condition.
  • Individually tested to make sure the conductive rubber pad is OK.
  • Note: key caps designed for 5mm tip types are not a perfect fit on 3mm plungers.
Price: £ 0.50   Add to cart. (25 in stock)
Breadbin C64 - Plunger and Spring - Type 1 with 5mm tip

Type 1 Plunger & Spring for Commodore 64 breadbin and some VIC20 keyboards - 5mm tip

These types have the longer tip key cap fitting (approx 5mm long cross section tip).

  • From a standard metal spring Type 1 breadbin C64 keyboard (and some VIC20s.)
  • Clean and in  good condition
  • Individually tested to make sure the conductive rubber pad is OK
  • Note: key caps designed for the shorter ~3.5mm plungers are not a pefect fit on 5mm plungers.
Price: £ 0.75   Add to cart. (19 in stock)
Breadbin key - Type 1 - Grade 1.5

Spare Key Caps For "Type 1" Springed 'Breadbin' C64 (and VIC20)  - Grade 1.5 - Minimal Yellowing

Used, but clean and undamaged keys from a standard UK mechanically-springed C64 (breadbin) keyboard. Each key cap includes an appropriate plunger and spring (in some cases you may need to replace the plunger present in your keyboard - see this page for info about this). The Shift Lock key is supplied as  cap only (ie: without the cross-point insert etc). See the items listed lower down for the other designs of key caps used in breadbins. All of my breadbin keys are the standard dark brown with grey function keys (note: the "Aldi" type C64 which has a breadbin case but a white keyboard uses Early C64C keys - please see the C64C keyboard section for those.)

Please note: As with the rest of the C64 plastics, the keys have usually yellowed with age - this is most noticeable on the main character printed on the key tops. To assist in matching your own keyboard I have split the keys I have for sale into groups (ranging from very slightly yellowed to noticeably yellowed - Grade 1.5 to 3 in this diagram). Obviously, this is all quite subjective and exact matches are impossible, however a "close enough" matched key is usually unnoticable within the full keyboard.

The following "Grade 1.5" keys (which have the least age yellowing) are currently available. The spacebar is listed separately when available.

<- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ InsDel CLrHome
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^ (pi) RESTORE
Run/Stop ShLock A S D F G H J K L : ; = Return   F5/f6

Please specify which key(s) you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks.

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 1.25   Add to cart. (26 in stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 1 - Grade 2

Spare Keys For "Type 1" Springed 'Breadbin' C64 (and VIC20) - Grade 2: Some yellowing.

As above but "Grade 2" (text is cream colour). The following keys are currently available - all from a UK keyboard. Please refer to this diagram for colour grade comparision). Function keys are the grey type. Space bar is listed separately when available.

<- 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ ClrHome InsDel f1/f2
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^ (pi) RESTORE
ShfLock RunStop A S D F G H J K L : ; = RETURN
C= SHIFT Z X C V B N M . , / SHIFT CurUp/Dn CursL/R

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 0.99   Add to cart. (23 in stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 1 - Grade 2.5

Spare Key Caps For "Type 1" Springed 'Breadbin' C64 (and VIC20) - Grade 2.5

As above (IE: Breadbin Type 1: All keys sprung) but Graded 2.5 in my colour comparison diagram) Function keys are the grey type.

The following "Grade 2.5" keys are currently available. The spacebar is listed separately.

<- 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
£ ClrHome Ins/Del
 CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^  Restore
RunStop Shlock A S D F G H J K L : ; =  Return
C= Shift  Z X C V B N M , . / CursLR CursUD Shift

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 0.90   Add to cart. (13 in stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 1 - Grade 3

Spare Key Caps For "Type 1" Springed 'Breadbin' C64 (and VIC20) - Grade 3: Heavy yellowing.

As above (IE: Breadbin Type 1: All keys sprung) but Graded 3 in my colour comparison diagram) Function keys are the grey type.

The following "Grade 3" (noticeably yellowed) keys are currently available. The spacebar is listed separately.

<- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ clr/home
 CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^  Restore
RunStop S.Lock A S D F G H J K L : ;
C= Shift  Z X C V B N M . , / Shift CursLR  CursUD

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 0.75   Add to cart. (out of stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 2 - Grade 1.5

Spare "TYPE 2" Key For Commodore 64 breadbin (and VIC20) - Grade 1.0-1.5

These key caps are from the less-common C64 breadbin keyboard which have white plungers and no springs (apart from the Space Bar). They do not fit the black plungers of the original springed keyboards. (The plunger and bubble contacts are not included and are available separately.)

Keys are used but clean and undamaged. Note that due to age there will be some yellowing noticeable in the key top lettering and the body of the function keys - I would grade them as appox 1.5 on my colour chart

The following keys are currently available - all from a UK keyboard with grey function keys. Space bar is listed separately (when available).

<- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ InsDel f1
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^ pi Restore f3
RunStop ShLock A S D F G H J K L : ; = Return f5
C= SHIFT Z X C V B N M < >

CursUD CursLR f7

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 1.25   Add to cart. (23 in stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 2 - Grade 2.0

Spare "TYPE 2" Key For Commodore 64 breadbin (and VIC20) - Grade 2.0-2.4

As above but these I would grade as appox 2.0-2.5 on my colour chart.   Function keys are the grey type.

The following keys in this colour grade are currently available:

<- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ InsDel ClrHome f1
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^ pi
Restore f3
Runstop ShLock A S D F G H J K L : ; =
Return f5
CBM C=  Shift Z X C V B N M < > /
CursUD CursLR Shift f7

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 0.99   Add to cart. (25 in stock)
Breadbin Key - Type 2 - Grade 3.0

Spare "TYPE 2" Key For Commodore 64 breadbin (and VIC20) - Grade 3.0

As above ("Breadbin TYPE 2" keybioard) but graded as appox 3.0 on my colour chart.   Function keys are the grey type.

The following keys in this colour grade are currently available. Space bar is listed separately.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - £ ClrHome InsDel  
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ *   Restore   f3/f4
RunStop S.Lock A S D F G H J K L : ; =  Return    
 C= cbm Shift  Z X C V B N M < > /   CursUD  CursLR    

Please specify which key you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks!

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 0.90   Add to cart. (out of stock)
Breadbin Keyboard - Type 2 - Pack of 5 Bubble Contacts

Pack of 5 bubble contacts for Type 2 C64 (and some VIC20) Keyboards

  • For the less common version of the Commodore 64 breadbin keyboard which does not have metal springs under the key caps (apart from the space bar).
  • Original parts, used but good condition.
Price: £ 0.50   Add to cart. (10 in stock)
Breadbin Keyboard - Type 2 - Pack of 5 Plungers

Pack of  5 white plungers for Type 2 C64 breadbin (and some VIC20) Keyboards

  • For the less common version of the Commodore 64 breadbin (and some VIC20) keyboards which do not have metal springs under the key caps (apart from the space bar).
  • These are white in colour but I also have the grey type if preferred (same apart from the colour). Leave a note in the Special Instructions box upon ordering if you need grey. (Note: The *early* VIC20 keyboards with Pet style keys also have grey plungers but those are totally different).
  • Original parts, used but good condition.
Price: £ 0.50   Add to cart. (10 in stock)
VIC20 Key - Pet Style - Grade 1.5 - Small angular font

VIC20 Key cap - Type 4: Pet Style Angular font / small numbers - Colour Grade 1.5 - Low yellowing

For early VIC20 keyboards - for the more common types, see the Commodore 64 section under breadin keys.

Used, but clean and undamaged keys from a UK VIC20 with orange function keys. These key caps have a central pillar that extends to about 1mm above the base of cap and take a plunger with a single pad (and associated spring - these are not included but listed separately below if required). The Shift Lock key is supplied with the cross-point insert but not the switch.

The following "Grade 1.5" keys (which have the least age yellowing) are currently available. The spacebar is listed separately when available.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - £ InsDel ClrHome F1/F2
CTRL Q W E R T Y U I O P @ * ^ (pi) RESTORE
Run/Stop ShLock A S D F G H J K L : ; = Return   F5/F6

Please specify which key(s) you require in the Special Instructions box during checkout - thanks.

(Please don't order keys that are not shown in stock above. Also note that only one key cap of each type is available - please don't request multiples.)

Price: £ 1.95   Add to cart. (8 in stock)
VIC20 Type 4 Plunger and Spring

VIC20 "Type 4" Plunger and Spring - Early Type

  • Used in the rarer Pet-type early VIC20 keyboard (keys with the angular font and small numbers)
  • Height 16mm (excluding pad), Diameter of pillar: 8mm
  • Single, central conductive rubber pad - (conductivity tested before dispatch).
  • Colour will be random shades of grey.
Price: £ 0.99   Add to cart. (1 in stock)